"A unique plot, engaging characters, and pretty damn good lighting and camerawork... New surprises await the viewer around every corner in this movie, making it an entertaining piece of inventive indie filmmaking."
- FEARnet.com
***** "This was one very gothic film...it grabs your attention and never lets go."
- FilmArcade.net
"The tapestry of strangeness is nearly overwhelming... a successful and tasteful translation of dark fantasies from mind to cinematic record...an evolutionary winner in today's small but growing niche of independent horror films."
- The Grim Blogger
"Equally as creepy as any Roman Polanski vision...a unique effort full of dark flavor. ...this one has something great to offer."
- Horror News
"Thrills and chills, along with some fine production values and acting"
**** (out of 5)
- Jeff Swindoll, Monsters and Critics
"The cinematography is beautiful, and the special effects are excellent...Rises above it’s influences as a wholly original piece of horror fiction."
-The Blood Sprayer.com
“Everything in this film is ‘just right’. The pacing is wonderful, the cast is perfect, and I’m astonished by the quality of the visuals. …The film’s atmosphere is one of hungry malevolence, and kept me on edge from start to finish with a stunning array of visuals.”
- Bob Brinkman, Unfilmable.com
“A wonderful effort with the perfect mix of eccentricity and strangeness that makes Lovecraft such a potent force in the world of horror even almost a century after his death.”
- Josh Haney, The Hacker’s Source (March 2005)
“This is great stuff! It’s the classic ghost story with a twist deserving of O. Henry. …asks that you sacrifice less than ten minutes for a movie that will make you think and touch your heart at the same time.”
- Douglas A. Waltz, Cultcuts Magazine
"Takes the time to build a story around our main characters...so when the horror becomes unleashed further we actually care about what happens"
- Horror Yearbook
"something unique and special...we were quite impressed with this film."
- Kitley's Krypt
“As poignant as it is oddly paranoiac and featuring fearlessly passionate performances.”
- Horror Society
"Moody set-pieces, an effective score and good writing...make an effective old school style haunted house/ghost story that works."
- Beyond The Realms
"This is a standout thriller from the indie scene. Unique, well shot, and full of awesome surprises. Recommended."
- Eric Stanze, director of SCRAPBOOK, DEADWOOD PARK, and RATLINE.
"A script and performances that are really top-notch... It's really, really well done."
- The Harvey and Bob Show
"A talented cast of people and a whole lot of imagination...make a film that shows everything a no-budget film can be, with plenty of creepy chills."
- K. A. Laity, BitchBuzz
“(Director David Schmidt) knows how to convey in a few brief visual what other filmmakers would need 10 minutes worth of boring exposition to get across. …The Horror here is psychological and all the more effective for it.”
- Bob Ignazio, Utter Trash.com
“Fans of Lovecraft in either the written or cinematic medium should get a kick out of this short little creeper…a nice mix of sound and mood goes a long way.”
- Erik Childress, eFilmCritic
“In just nine minutes (Dir. David Schmidt) manages to use an effectively eerie score and some hallucinogenic imagery to convey a sense of dread and ominous portent that many full length features fail to capture.”
- D.S. Ullery, The Hacker’s Source (June 2004)
“Good story, decent acting, and some f*cked up twists, turns and gore.”
- Arrow In The Head